Friday, 17 December 2021

Dr Dim's 'Alternative' Christmas Message


Much like the Sorcerer's Apprentice I cannot help but feel that we've allowed our egos to take over directions within this realm that may ultimately prove to be our downfall. However, the 'doom and gloom' scenarios prevalent from numerous vantage points of cultural associations do nothing to help our predicament. So, how can we instigate actions (as opposed to simply talking about the problems) that seek to address the impending downfall? Of course, there are many solutions on the table that might help avert the Disaster Scenario. However, the table is in danger of becoming overcrowded with key ideas falling off its edges in to an abyss beyond!

It seems like everybody wants a slice of a dwindling pie. That is, numerous agendas are vying for attention each believing they are our salvation. So, we must ask ourselves how do we choose among so many alternatives to try to prevent the existential crises? Is it even possible to make such a choice or should we instead be throwing all available resources at preventative measure before the faeces really does hit the proverbial spinning contraption?

Well, when all is said and done we have to realise that human beings are fallible. We will, more than likely, never be one hundred percent efficient at life. For example, we can pretend to be interested in sustaining this world for generations to come yet still wage war and entertain conflict despite these best intentions.

We're really not robots to be shoehorned into little boxes of others' decrees either. We do possess 'free will' (to a lesser or greater extent). But our self-belief should not grow out of all proportion. For, this is when the brushes and buckets of The Sorcerer's Apprentice run amok along with our egos.

There may not be an old wizened wizard to come to our rescue in the Real World. Instead we should realise that we may well be the masters of our own destines and begin to act accordingly. Precisely what that actually means is yet to be decided. Decisions made today will affect all our futures. So let's ensure we make good, well informed choices that truly represent all Earthly inhabitants and not simply those most empowered or who shout the loudest. This is key: representative decision making. We have the tools now to stop the runaway magic of our past overindulgence. Let's use them sensibly for once...peace.