Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Dr Dims 'Alternative' Christmas Message
Its been a mixed up year or has it? The usual misunderstandings among our fellow human beings have been leading to the inevitable consequences - and that's not news. I suppose it depends upon your perspective. So maybe Stephen Hawking had a point after all, or at least one of the commentators upon his comments did, i.e. notably that in the 'grand scheme of things' humanity hasn't been in existence for all that long really and, in Hawking's scenario, is quite capable, therefore, of extinguishing itself in the blink of a cosmic eye! Whether it will be an AI that will lead to our eventual demise or something less benign (?) like our changing planetary climate only time will tell I suppose though time itself may be possibly prone to manipulation in the not to distant future. This could be our saving grace. Ultimately the survival of the species will be down to all of us acting together as we attempt to unravel where we may have been going wrong to date. Once we've all figured out the 'bad' stuff its then simply a matter of doing the opposite. I did try to point out this some time ago but everyone just put it down to the delirium! ;) Thanks Nature. And so we usher in 2015. I said some time ago that it could well prove to be a landmark year. It is a confluence of a number of global efforts attempting to reorient our path upon this delicate planetary system. I suppose these efforts will be heralded as a great success. I can imagine the self-appreciative speeches being penned already. However, again, it will be our willingness (or not) to act as one which will lead to the necessary change of tack of humanity's 'development'. This is not easy given the present tendencies to be interested in number one given the dominant socioeconomic system. And I may have argued elsewhere that a 'paradigm shift' (which others are actually alluding to now) could be our saviour - in addition to the manipulation of time and space! Ultimately many folks will sell you false hopes of a tenable future for our current species of humans, assuming you are willing to pay. Its not difficult to tell fortunes as long as the palm is crossed with silver. I guess post-humans will have different ideas though. Right now we do not quite know what these post-humans will be like though it possibly appears that our evolution - aided by technology of all kinds - is now increasing in pace more than linearly? Hmm...now you must excuse me, I've a time machine to complete. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! DD.