Sunday, 31 December 2023

Dr Dim's New New Year's Message

A long time ago in galaxy far, far away a budding Director penned a saga with the subtitle A New Hope. Whilst we may be unsure what hope means to most folks to Dr Dim it's almost tantamount to a reboot; starting over. That is, we jettison all the accrued rubbish in our lives and try to reinvent ourselves free of past shackles.

Of course, lots of people try to make New Year's Resolutions but - much like it says on the tin - they just go round and round and round not really getting too far at all. We need, as a race of conscious entities upon this precariously perched planet, a little faith (for want of a better word) in our spirit, or ability, for salvation.

All a little too religious (in an organised way at least) for Dr Dim but the idea of a rebirth certainly rings a bell. We do not need to drag our collective bad karma with us into this New Hope.

Whilst we can't simply flip a switch to undo the harm we've been causing all around the world there are no universal laws stating that we should be retaining bad ways of being in perpetuity.

Humans can learn! We can learn to co-create a life for us all that ensures harm lingers in the history books, for instance, that the present is comfortable - for everybody - and, finally, that the future gives us all A New Hope.